Mrs. Oz's APAH - High Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Colonial America 

- Click on the banner above for Essential Knowledge/Image Set. Remember, all image sets, handouts, lecture PowerPoints and assignments are available in Google Drive. 

  DUE MONDAY, 3/30: Cultural Connections Project. It will cover Content Area 3 (Baroque, Rococo, & Colonial America). Instructions, Slides, & Handout in Google Drive (Baroque Folder)

  Early Europe & Colonial Americas - Khan Academy




Key Ideas - BAROQUE
  * Art during the Baroque period is influenced by the Counter-Reformation, symbolized the Catholic resurgence (after the Protestant Reformation). 
* Baroque art flourished in Holland and became of the voice to counter Catholic art.
* Baroque can be separated in 2 schools: classicists (influenced by Raphael) and naturalists (inspired by Titian).
* Baroque architecture is associated with the grand and majestic royal courts.

  * The finishing of St. Peter's became a crusade for the Catholic Church
* 1650: Increased power and influence of French Kings. This shifted the art world from Rome to France.
* France became center of modern art and innovation. 
* The Thirty Years (1618-1648). It devastated Europe which produced a halt in art making. It was a culmination of religious wars of the 16th century: Catholics vs. Protestants. German princes wanted secular power back.
* The Counter-Reformation movement reaffirmed all the things the Protestant Reformation was against. Protestants were iconoclasts.
* 1648: The Peace of Westphalia- gave religious freedom (along with many other additions but for the sake of Art History, this is the most important).

Key Ideas - ROCOCO
  * 1730-1790s
* Shift of power to the aristocrats paralleled in Baroque and Rococo.
* French Royal Academy set the taste for art in Paris
* Strong Satirical paintings
* Epitome: paintings that show aristocratic people enjoying leisures
Rococo comes from the French words rocaille and coquilles. Rocaille means stone and coquilles means shells. So "rococo" is a combination of the two French words, thus meaning "stone shells".

  * Death of Louis XIV in 1715 brought a resurgence of aristocratic life.
* Town houses became centers for the Rococo style.
* French Revolution broke out in 1789 which brings about an interest in the Greek ideal of Liberty and democracy. (Age of Enlightenment & Revolution - emergence of Neoclassicism, Romanticism)
* Voltaire (1694-1778) = Science/Technological Improvement 
* Rousseau (1712-1778) = Nature alone must be society's guide.

Student Resources
PowerPoint - Key Ideas - Artworks List - Vocabulary - Q card Images - Video Links & Practice Quiz Links in PowerPoint lectures

  * YouTube video: How to recognize Baroque Art
* YouTube video: Goodbye Art Academy - Baroque 
* YouTube video: Art of the Western World - Baroque
* YouTube video: Waldemar on Velazquez
* Power of Art: Caravaggio
* Tour Versailles Palace (Official site)

* YouTube video: What is Rococo?
* YouTube video: Waldemar on Rococo Stucco, Part 1 & Part 2
* YouTube video: Waldemar on the Asamkirche (Rococo architecture)

Artwork List
  Saint Charles of the Four Fountains
Santa Maria della Vittoria
Versailles (Hall of Mirrors, Gardens)
Calling of Saint Matthew
Ecstasy of St. Teresa
Las Meninas
Marie de'Medici Cycle
Self Portrait with Saskia (Rembrandt)
Woman Holding a Balance
Fruits and Insects
Triumph of the Name of Jesus 

The Swing
Le Brun's Self Portrait
The Tete a Tete

Di sotto in su     genre painting     impasto     tenebrism     vanities     chiaroscuro     Fete galante     Grand Tour     Pastel     Salon
ALSO: Vocabulary listed in PowerPoint lecture




Key Ideas - NEW SPAIN
  * Colonial Latin America: mix of indigenous art forms with European materials
* Influences of subject matter and forms from 
Asia and Africa

Subject matter does vary: religious, portraits, history, genre scenes
* Resembles art from Spain and southern Europe
* Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492 = conquest --> colonization!
* Europe brought disease which wiped out much of the Aztecs and Native Americans
* Children born of Spanish and Native Americans are called mestizos
* Spanish heavily desired gold, silver, crops
* Patronage: Spanish commissioned Native Americans = Catholicism with Native American traditions
* Artists: Many are anonymous, the point was to not have fame and glory.

Student Resources
PowerPoint - Key Ideas - Artworks List - Vocabulary - Q card Images - Video Links & Practice Quiz Links in PowerPoint lectures
* TeacherOz's APWH Period 4 (1450-1750)
  * YouTube video: Crash Course, Columbian Exchange & Spanish Empire
* YouTube video: When Worlds Collide, Casta System & Saving Souls for Spain
* YouTube video: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Artwork List
Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza
Angel with Arquebus
Virgin of Guadelupe
Screen with Siege of Belgrade (biombos, enconchados)
Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo (casta painting, mestizo)
  Portrait of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Biombos     Casta paintings     Enconchados     Escudo     Mestizo
  ALSO: Vocabulary listed in PowerPoint lecture


Thank you so much to Lynn Wilkinson, Mary McConnell, Valerie Park and Martha Kunz for all their quidance and resources.