Mrs. Osborn offers one-on-one Online Tutoring, Self-Study Support, & Exam Prep for Advanced Placement (AP) WORLD HISTORY & AP ART HISTORY! (A major redesign of teacheroz.com, online since 1997, is now in progress)
After over 20 years as a teacher, I retired in June 2021. However, I am still committed to serving students in helping them achieve their very best. Please visit my curriculum vitae & bio for more info about my background in teaching AP World History & AP Art History. If your student is interested in tutorials, self-study support, or AP Exam prep for AP World History or AP Art History, please contact me at teacherozaptutor@gmail.com.
Click on my picture for a little info about me.
Email me at teacherozaptutor@gmail.com
Since August 2016, this page has been visited
© copyright 1997 - 2021
Tracey O.
This page has no commercial purpose and is
provided for the personal use of those who visit here. To my knowledge, all
graphics and images on this site are public domain. If not, I apologize and
will correct any errors.
can still access my Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History website Table of Contents
(on the web since 1997). Click HERE.